Thursday, April 30, 2009

Science Fiction And Booze: Two Of My Favorite Things Together At Last




Any good drinker will tell you that alcohol can make anything better.  So it makes sense then that Science Fiction fans can find more enjoyment from their favorite TV shows with the simple inclusion of good, hard liquor.  To help us with this amazing combination of two of lifes greatest things (sci-fi and booze) the good folks over at IO9 have compiled a great list of A Dozen Science Fiction Drinking Games.


Here are links to the full rules for the following games:



Each of the games, of course, has very different rules.  Some games have a lot of rules, some games have very few.  The 300 Drinking Game, for example, has only two rules. 


          #1. Every time the word Sparta or Spartan is mentioned, you drink.


          #2. If you want to get really messed up, you have to chug during every slow motion scene.


For that film, those two rules are all you need to guarantee complete drunkness in about five minutes time.  I'd be personally interested in the Heroes drinking game.  Maybe copious amounts of alcohol would make it possible for me to actually enjoy that god awful excuse for a superhero show.  Actually, no.  On second thought, there's not enough alcohol in the world to make me believe Heroes is an enjoyable show.


I must say I was saddened though by one glaring omission to IO9's otherwise rather exhaustive list of drinking games.  Where's the Buffy The Vampire Slayer Drinking Game?  That show's drinking game totally deserves to be on this list.


Well, it looks like I know what I'll be doing tonight.  It's time for a Star Trek marathon followed by a Doctor Who marathon followed by a viewing of the 1966 Batman movie.  I'd better stop by the store on my way home too.  I'm going to have to stock up in preparation for the heavy drinking I'll be doing.  I apologize in advance if tomorrow's posts seem a little . . . weird.

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