Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Comic Book Nerds Say The Coolest Things

Ok, yeah, I know there have been about a million different "Shit (enter group name here) Says" videos coming out over the internets lately. And while many of them have been genuinely entertaining, none of them have actually made me laugh out loud yet.

That is, until I saw this one.

Shit Comic Book Nerds says is not only hilarious, it is dead on accurate. I'm pretty sure that I have, at one point or another, said every single thing on this list. I'm not kidding. I've said them all. And lets be honest here, if you're reading this blog then chances are so have you.

For me, it was the lines about Bucky that broke me. I've have said those lines word for word, with the exact same feeling and delivery as they are made here. I couldn't help it, I did actually laugh out loud, or LOL if you prefer (although I hate using that term).