Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Ghostbusters Comic Makes Me Go...Meh


For those of you Ghostbusters fans out there (like me), IDW is publishing a brand new Ghostbusters comic series.  The first issue comes out tomorrow and MTV has the first seven pages available for viewing.


The cover (pictured above) looks awesome, but the art inside and the writing isn't all that great. 


First off, the art.  Why does the cover art look like the actors who played the characters, but the actual artwork inside doesn't?  Why does Egon suddenly have big spiky hair?  Why does Venkman look more like a bloated Christian Slater than he does Bill Murray?  Is it really that hard to make the characters look like they're supposed to?


Secondly, the writing.  It's a bit hokey.  1920's style gangsters don't make for the most intelligent speakers, sure, but they're so cliche here.  And Peter's quips aren't all that great either.


Speaking as a Ghostbusters fan, I really hope the book gets better as it goes.  Because what I've seen thus far does not amuse.


(Via ToplessRobot)

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