Thursday, October 23, 2008

I am Not Alone


I have a number of friends who are deep lovers of the show Heroes. And by deep I mean that they are convinced that Heroes is the best damn show on TV right now. However, I've watched Heroes and I can't disagree more. I don't think it's a horrible show per se, but I also don't think it's an exceptionally great show either.


It seem to be at best mediocre in my opinion.  Sure, it has it's cool characters (Hiro and Sylar), but it also has a ton of crap that is either boring, unnecessary or is blatant theft from other works (you cannot tell me the current storyline involving Mohinder is not a blatant ripoff of The Fly).  I used to think I was alone in my opinion of the show, but after reading an article in the new Entertainment Weekly, I realize that I am not alone in my beliefs.


The cover says it all.  Fallen Heroes, a series in crisis.  After a dismal second season and part way through a bland third season, Heroes finds itself losing viewers at an alarming rate.  What can the show do to regain it's former glory?  Well, the article offers up a few ideas, such as:

Kring [The show's creator] originally envisioned Heroes as a series that constantly refreshed itself by routinely phasing out characters, but he backed off after the show became a ratings hit — making the cast breakout stars — in season 1. Three seasons later, however, it's time to trim the fat by either killing some top-tier Heroes (hello, genuine life-and-death stakes!) or giving one or two a permanent happy ending. Then shore up the audience's emotional investment with the show's favorites by adding more single-character episodes like "Company Man", the season 1 classic that focused almost exclusively on H.R.G. (Jack Coleman).


I totally agree with this.  There are too many damned characters on Heroes.  You can't expect to keep every single character going with their own storyline all the time.  That's just too many people to follow all at once.  The show could definitely stand some character loss.  I suggest starting with Mohinder.  I can't stand that guy anyways, and he never really offers much to the show, so get rid of him.  Besides, we all know the show should be all about Hiro anyways.  He's the best damn character they have.  Make him the focus and maybe people will start watching again.

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