Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yay! People In The Future Will Have Pores Afterall


So a little bit ago I complained (a frequent occurance, I know) about the super shiny publicity photos that had been released for the new Star Trek movie so far.  The focal point of my complaint was how overly touched up the photos were, to the point where Spock didn't have any pores at all and it looked really creepy.


Well, thankfully the above new photos have been released to assure us that yes, people in the 23rd century will indeed have pores and beard stubble...even Vulcans.


Annoyingly though, these images are the same images used for the first four promo posters that came out over the summer, so there's really nothing new to see here other than that the images have been made black and white, which sort of gives them a sort of uncomfortable subtext in my opinion.  Spock looks lost in deep contemplation and the shadow is implying that he's struggling to choose between the light side or dark side of the force.  Kirk, on the other hand, looks like he's a crazed stalker who's just dying to rape someone.  He's pretty creepy looking.

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