Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Fanboys Trailer Hints Film My Finally Get Released


Don't take the above headline too seriously.  I don't want to go getting your hopes up.  Fanboys, the perpetually delayed fim about a bunch of Star Wars fans back in 1998 (before the dark times, before the sequels) who decide to break into Skywalker Ranch to steal an early copy of Episode I, has been given a new trailer and a new release date.  That date is Febuary 6, 2009.


Now, as I said before, don't go getting your hopes up just yet.  Let's remember that this film has had more release dates than Hugh Hefner has had sexual partners.  Originally slated to come out all the way back in August of 2007, the film has been delayed over and over again for all sorts of different reasons.  You can read about the whole ordeal here.


As recently as September of this year, the film was announced to be coming out this November, but that has once again been pushed back.  Will this film ever actually come out?  Your guess is a good as mine.  I sure hope it does come out though.  The film looks to be pretty damned funny.  And speaking as a fan who was roughly the age of these characters back in 1998, I clearly remember the energy of that time as we desperately waited for Episode I to come out.  I remember my friends and I concocting such schemes as the one in this film.  Now, hopefully, I'll get to relive that time through this definitely geek-centric film.


I just hope it can live up to the hype it's been building for two years now.

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