Monday, November 3, 2008

How Do You Know A Show Is In Trouble?


The executive producers are fired.  That's how.


Variety is reporting that NBC has given the pink slip to Heroes executive producers Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander.

"Heroes," produced by Universal Media Studios, has struggled in the ratings its third season. It's understood that Alexander and Loeb were let go because of Peacock execs' frustration with the creative direction of the show. The show is also said to have been grappling with hefty budget overruns this season, that are going well beyond its already sizable $4 million per-seg pricetag.


Hopefully, this means that the creative direction of the show will see a big change coming up...which might possibly mean that the show will stop being the total crapfest it's been since the end of the first season.  I know I've been vocal before in my dislike of Heroes, but I really do wish the show was better.  I, like all comic geeks, want to see a quality show about comic book heroes on TV. 


I think that's why I have been disliking Heroes so much lately.  I feel that it is doing a disservice to comics and comic fans.  By being a stale, badly written show, it's passing off the idea to the mainstream audience that watches it that comic books are badly written and cheesy.  That's something that really bugs me.  Sure, a number of comics are cheesy (just like there's bad TV show), but there are also brilliant comics out there as well. 


Heroes needs to be a good show.  It's representing comics to the standard TV audience, and currently it's doing a rather poor job of it.  Maybe with some new creative talent in there, the show can get back on track to being worth watching agin.


One can hope, at least.

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