Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Geek DVD Day - 11/4/08


The GoodThe Star Wars Trilogy


Why It's Good:  As a geek news site, I am bound by law to report to you when any new Star Wars DVD's come out.  Regardless of whether they're worth buying or not.  Are these the same versions of the film on DVD that were released a few years ago...yes.  Are there any new special features...no.  Does Greedo still shoot first...yes.  Are the films available on Blu-ray...you wish.  That's right, no HD versions are being released today.  Which forces one to ask, what the hell is the point?  We all already own these films on DVD, why put them out again with no new featurs and NOT IN HD?  Seriously, what's the fucking point. 


But of course they wouldn't actually be on HD.  Do you remember how long it took Star Wars to come to basic DVD in the first place?  Almost a decade after DVD became the new standard, that's how long.  So chances are you'll be seeing Star Wars on Blu-ray around the same time all other films are coming out as Super HD 3D Holograms you have to own a Star Trek like Holodeck to view them on.  Fucking George Lucas.  I'll never understand that guy.


Oh yeah, a box set of the Prequel Trilogy came out as well, but who really cares about those films anyways?  Personally, I'm still paying a therapist a lot of money to help me block those films from my memory.




The BadassBender's Game


Why It's Badass:  Futurama is always inherently badass, but when you throw in D&D references everywhere, that level of badass makes it just go higher.  The third of the new Futurama movies, Bender's game features the crew of Planet Express getting sucked into a D&D themed world where all sorts of hijinks are sure to take place.  Oh, and it's also available on Blu-ray.  That's right, a 2D animated feature can make it to Blu-ray today, but somehow Star Wars can't seem to manage this particular feat.  Sorry, I'm still just really bitter.  Anyways, it's futurama, you know it's going to be good.  Buy it, watch it, love it, quote it ad nauseum to friends until they too are forced to either buy it as well or beat you to death with your own shoes.



The AwesomeBatman - The Complete Animated Series


Why It's Awesome:  I'm going to just come right out and say this.  The Batman Animated Series is the greatest version of Batman Ever.  Yes, Dark Knight was awesome.  Yes, Heath Ledger was fucking amazing as the Joker.  I recognize that, but none of it changes the fact that Kevin Conroy is the best Goddamn Batman of all time.  Christian Bale ain't got nothing on him.  


Warner Brothers has gone above and beyond the call of duty in releasing this set of the entire series.  Inside you'll find 17 DVD's that feature all 109 episodes of the original series as well as a new documentary DVD called "Shades of the Bat: Batman's Animated Evolution".  As for special features, 12 selected episodes come with commentary tracks and there are 8 special making-of features.  Oh, and did I even mention the kickass booklet that comes with the set?  Just look at the thing, it's gorgeous.


There's over 35 hours of Batman Animated Awesomeness in this set.  No live-action Batfilm will ever come close to this.  Oh the glory that is this Box Set.  I bow before it's greatness.

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