Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rick Astley Is My Hero



Internet Memes are wonderful things.  They're usually obscure and odd jokes that start somewhere on a message board and become a huge internet fad.  Things like the LOL Catz and those motivational posters are perfect examples of what I'm talking about.  However, one meme has ruled them all for a long time.  I speak of course of the Rick Roll.


Admit it, you've been rick rolled before.  We all have.  It gets us all eventually, there's no stopping it.You innocently click on a youtube clip to watch something else, and five second in you find yourself watching a young Rick Astley dancing in an all denim outfit.


And I must give massive credit to Mr. Astley for being a really good sport about it.  Besides the fact that the phenomenon sort of mocks his old video, he's taken the entire thing in stride and thinks it's all good fun.  So much so that he has now even made a personal appearance during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to Rick Roll the entire event!


Rick Astley, you are my hero for today!

1 comment:

  1. Funny enough, I liked the song before it was a rick roll.
    and memes are not wonderful things. They haunt you and terrorize you while you sleep.
