Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Watchmen Posterpalooza




In the aftermath of the knowledge that there will be no giant squid in the Watchmen movie, we are now given something to raise our spirits a little bit.


Above are the new sets of Watchmen posters, one for each character.  I'm not sure I like the bright colors of the posters (a little too much Batman and Robin pink in that Rorschach poster for my tastes), but I love the poses of the characters and the quotes that are one each one.  They give just enough information about the characters and their personalities without giving away too much information.  Although, the Ozymandias quote is definitely bordering on spoiler territory.


My favorite poster of the group is the Comedian's.  How awesome is a guy who lights his cigar with a flame thrower?  The answer is pretty F'n awesome.


(Via /Film)

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