Friday, November 14, 2008

The Star Of Twilight Sounds Like A Total Bitch

In an Interview with MSN, Twilight star Kristen Stewart dissed the die-hard Twilight fans who have been showing her nothing but the usual crazed love that comes from obsessed fans of any series of books or comics.  When discussing small groups of fans who would hang out on the sidelines of scenes as the film was being made, she said the following:

"I just didn't pay attention," Stewart recalls. "I was like, 'You guys are celebrating something that has not come true yet. So, you are really retarded and have nothing to do with this creative process and I really don't want to hear you celebrate in front of me. Get out of here! It's my responsibility!'"


Also, Ms. Stewart goes on to discuss how she realized just how popular this film was going to be when she attended San Diego Comic Con last summer and appeared before a large room packed with Twilight fans.

"You can go online and it's very intangible. I mean, who knows how many of these girls there are? It's probably just the same five girls going on every message board and gabbing on about it," Stewart says. "But to have literally, like, a room of over 5,000 people screaming at you makes you want to cry. It's not like, 'Oh, this is so great.' I think it's literally like an instinct. To have that sort of energy forced at you? You start to wither."


Wow, talk about bitchy.  Now I'm not a fan of Twilight.  I haven't even read any of the books.  But speaking as a die-hard fan of other franchises, I certainly know how I would feel if I was a fan listening to the star of something I loved bashing fans like this.  I'd be thinking the following:


Fuck you!!!  Listen lady, if it wasn't for die-hard fans like those who were showing up on set, or those who were screaming at you at Comic Con, you wouldn't have a fucking job!  It's those sorts of fans that are spreading the word of the books and the film for you to all of their friends and family.  They're the ones who have made the books popular enough that film companies even took an interest in them in the first place.  If it wasn't for the fans, you'd still be acting in crappy lille indy films and wouldn't be about to make the ton of money they're surely going to be paying you to do the sequel soon.


You don't have to be a fan of the work you're making, but don't go dissing others who love what you're making, and by relation love you for being in it.  You need to learn to respect those people who will be buying tickets to see you on the big screen in the next few weeks.  These people are going to make you a star, how dare you talk trash on them.  Having 5,000 people screaming at you and telling you how much they love you makes you wither?  What's wrong with you?  Why the hell are you an actor then if you don't want to make things people love.


For an example of how someone in your situation should act, go out and buy the Serenity DVD and watch the special feature that shows the cast of the show coming on stage for their panel at Comic Con a few years back.  They too walked into a room filled with thousands of screaming fans who loved and adored them.  And do you know how they reacted?  Did they wither?  Hell no, the stars of the show, each and every one of them, lit up like a little kid on Christmas who just walked into a room full of toys.  The smiles on their faces were gigantic.  They were blown away by the fan support and praise.  They were respectful and thankful for their fans.  They knew their movie would never have gotten made without the fans.  They acted humble in the presence of those who supported and loved them so much.


That's how a professional acts Ms. Stewart.  They're respectful of those who love and support their work.  It sounds to me like you need to learn a thing or two about being a decent human being.

1 comment:

  1. As highly recommended this show has been, Fuck this show.
    I refuse to watch anything that involves someone with such contempt for their fans. This is part of the relationship between artist and art. I hope her fans turn on her like a hungry dog.
