Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday Wes Rant - The Black Cauldron

Ah Disney, your thieving ways throughout the years, how sneaky they are. I'm not 100% sure how it worked out for the author of THIS AMAZING BOOK RIGHT HERE when it was given the Disney once over. In 1984 Disney released a movie called the Black Cauldron (WIKI) and to be honest it was freaking AWESOME. So awesome in fact Disney denied even making it for years and years after pulling it from theaters only showing it for a VERY limited time (urban myth ranges from one month to one week).



I remember scrounging comic cons with my high school friend as she asked after ANY sort of merchandise from the Black Cauldron. The responses went from polite a polite "good luck with that hun" to the outright laugh in the face or "are you kidding me?". When I finally managed to scrounge a VHS bootleg it was SO worth it. This was a DISNEY MOVIE about a bad guy collecting dead bodies to form an army! I could've squealed when I saw it!


Then years later I was introduced to the concept that there was in fact a book that the movie was based on and that I had been given the Disney version of the story. WHAT THE F-CK?!



I'm not going to lie, I don't own this book, but I will tomorrow I SWEAR to you. Writing this article has forced me to remember that this book kind of kicked a ton of ASS. Seriously, as with everything else, they only used a tiny weight watchers sliver slice of what was in the book the black cauldron for the movie, and even better that, it's one book of an ENTIRE SERIES!!! Do I really have to sell this to you? It has an evil guy, making an ARMY OF THE DEAD by STEALING CORPSES and sticking them into the cauldron to RE-ANIMATE THEM, now go buy!


I don't understand for an instant why the books aren't sold as a set on Amazon, but the individual books are cheap used on Amazon. Oh jeez and here I am excited about re-reading these soon. Hell, it might even make me feel better since I've been reading Nietzsche lately and I could use a pick-me-up.


Also, Matt, WOW that's a mouthfull. I love you Bro.

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