Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why isn't the future ever as cool as people think it will be?



Thanks go to for posting this video so I could enjoy its inherent awesomeness.


The video is a commercial that looks to be from the late 50's or early 60's, it's got a totally rad look at the future, it stars Ray Bradbury, and its about Prunes.  I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's why the commercial is so cool. 


However, It does make me sad whenever I see this sort of stuff though because the future as seen in TV and films from the 60's is always way cooler than how life actually turned out.  Sure you could argue that the prediction of wall to wall TV's came true to a degree, but where the hell are my Pneumatic People Tubes?  I would totally travel around by tube if it was available.  Hey, it worked in Futurama.  And the "Fwhoomp" sound the tube makes as the girl gets out is just too cool to be described.


Also, check out the interior decorating of the house and the outfits the women are wearing.  Nothing today looks that cool or that hip.  And how come commercials never have a really cool narrator anymore like this video does?  I miss big voiced narrators that spoke only in mechanical tones. 


"Sigh"...the fake future is aways cooler than the real future.

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