Monday, August 11, 2008

A special Torchwood radio show will air on the day the world may end


On September 10th, scientists from the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will be firing up one of the biggest experiments in human history, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).  The LHC is an incredibly massive particle accelerator that will be used to crash protons into each other at near the speed of light.  The purpose of the machine is to to study the fundamentals of particle physics and to look into the mysteries of the creation of the universe.  


On the day of the LHC's firing, BBC Radio will be offering a special day of broadcasting that they are calling Big Bang Day.  The shows will cover topics such as the history of CERN and descriptions of the types of experiements the LHC will be used in.  In addition to those shows though will be a special radio episode of the wonderful BBC sci-fi series Torchwood.


For those of you who haven't ever seen Torchwood, I highly suggest it.  Think of it like a team based version of the X-Files where the cast are all really screwed up and are always sleeping with each other or with the aliens they're chasing.


Here's a description of what the radio show will be about:


Afternoon Play: Torchwood


Torchwood: Lost Souls


"Somewhere out there in that chaos of darkness and light, of science and protons, of gods and stars and death... somewhere there's an answer."

Martha Jones, ex-time traveller and now working as a doctor for a UN task force, has been called to CERN where they're about to activate the Large Hadron Collider. Once activated, the Collider will fire beams of protons together recreating conditions a billionth of a second after the Big Bang - and potentially allowing the human race a greater insight into what the Universe is made of. But so much could go wrong - it could open a gateway to a parallel dimension, or create a black hole - and now voices from the past are calling out to people and scientists have started to disappear...


Where have the missing scientists gone? What is the secret of the glowing man? What is lurking in the underground tunnel? And do the dead ever really stay dead?


Lost Souls is a spin-off from the award-winning BBC Wales TV production Torchwood. It stars John Barrowman, Freema Agyeman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd, Lucy Montgomery (of Titty Bang Bang) and Stephen Critchlow.


  • Time: Wednesday 10th September, 2.15pm

  • Writer: Joseph Lidster

  • Producer/ Director: Kate McAll


Controversy has surrounded the LHC as conspiracy theorists and other weirdos are convinced that firing off the device will create a black whole that will suck the Earth into a parallel dimension, or will destroy all life on the planet, or something like that.  But never fear, the crew of Torchwood are now on the case.  So if a dimensional door is ripped open in the fabric of reality, Captain Jack Harkness and his crew will be there to have sex with whatever comes through the rift.  We're saved!!!

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