Monday, August 11, 2008

Simon Pegg is giving it all he's got Captain!!!


Here's some good news to wake up to on a monday morning. Over the weekend in Las Vegas they held one of the biggest annual Star Trek conventions. I didn't manage to attend because as much as I love all things Trek (and I really do actually), the SD Comic Con tends to fulfill all of my con needs for the better part of a year afterwards.


However, this year at the Vegas con they put out some great new info regarding the upcoming Star Trek movie. Four new posters were revealed that show us what the rest of the cast is going to look like. Above is Simon Pegg as Scotty, the fighting and hard-drinking chief engineer. Pegg looks pretty good if you ask me. Sure, you can't really tell too much because the whole thing is covered in red, but he does at least have the overall look of Scotty, which makes me happy. 


The other three posters have been added to geek-tastic's flicker account.  They are:


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