Thursday, August 28, 2008

Be a Part of Buffy's Scooby Gang Through Twitter



Ok, so I've been twittering for a while now (my username is twilightjumper), thanks to my friend Michael introducing me to the Service.


If you haven't heard of the site before, Twitter is basically a mini-blog site.  You can create a username and then log in and give updates about what you are currently doing.  You are limited to 140 characters per post, so you can only send out a sentence or two at a time.  Some examples of good twitter messages would be something like, "Just finished dinner.  Now I'm going to the bar" or "I just woke up in a hotel room with a dead hooker next to me, I don't know how I got here. Help!"


Once your account is created, you can choose to start following other people so you can see what they're up to as well.  What makes Twitter really cool is that you can have these updates sent to your cell phone, so whenever someone updates their page, you are instantly given the message no matter where you are.


Well, some enterprising souls have taken it upon themselves to create accounts for fictional characters, and are twittering as if the characters themselves were the ones posting.  I was just catching up on the life of Buffy Summers, a young slayer who lives in Sunnydale.  She's been twittering about her problems with being the slayer, her problems with her boyfriend Angel, and the general problems that come with living on top of a hellmouth.


Whoever is posting as Buffy appears to be posting from between Seasons two and three at the moment and it looks like they will be posting from her life in the chronological order of the show.  Reading her posts are kind of amusing as you get to hear some of her random thoughts such as:


"So, went to hell dimension where time runs faster. Killed a demon, saved some folks. Since time runs faster there, am I older than I was?"


Along with Buffy, Xander has a twitter account as well.  Buffy will message him occasionally to let him know that Willow is ok, or say she's bored and wants to hang out.  It's pretty amusing stuff

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