Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Patrick's XBox 360 12/26/2006 - 08/18/2008


Last night, after less than two years of faithful service, my poor Xbox 360 finally succumed to the dreaded Red Ring of Death.  In mouring for the loss of my good friend, I have written the following to remember him by.


An Ode to a Lost Friend


It was upon a cold winter morning when we met.

Having received you as a christmas gift the day before, I had to wait until I returned home to open you.

But on the glorious day that I first activated you, a friendship deep and profound was formed.

How heady those early days were, saving the universe together from evil geometric shapes.

Soon followed Oblivion. 

Many were the hours we spent together exploring the forests and keeps of Tamriel. 

I still hear the music from those times, floating in my memory like the mists of the Great Forest.

Numerous were the adventures we had together. 

We ruled over hordes of minions with an iron fist.

We fought off waves of Locusts from deep below the surface.

We layed the smacketh down upon many a jabroni.


And we finished the fight.


Together, nothing could stop us.

Not even the might of the Covenent armada nor the massed police forces of Liberty City.

Without you now, all feels lost. 

Our preparations to Unleash The Force next month now seem as if they'll never happen. 

It is with great sadness that I must now return you to where you came from. 

They tell me they can fix you, make you stronger than you were before.

I will keep an eye to the horizion, looking for a sign of you.

I will count the days until your return.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that DAY you got your XBox...You must be so friggin sad. I know it is tough to make it through these hard times but keep your head up.
