Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pixar's The Incredibles to get their own comic series


Thanks go to my friend Robert Magness for sending this my way.  Pixar's The Incredibles, a movie about a comic book style family of superheroes, is about to get a comic book series of it's own.  The comic is going to be produced by Boom! studios and will be written by the excellent writer Mark Waid.

The four issue arc will center on Mr. Incredible, who starts suffering from heroic impotence. His powers are fading, and he doesn't want to tell his family or go to a doctor. Relgated to house husband status, "He feels terrible," Waid said. "He's calling them on the phone when they're on missions, to give them advice, but what he really needs to do is get his powers back." The Incredibles universe will be further fleshed out, introducing a doctor who practices superhero medicine.


Look for the Incredible comics in stores next April.

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