Friday, January 9, 2009

Why Aren't American Commercials This Frakkin Cool?


I have no idea what this commercial is for, and you know what, I don't care.  It could be an ad by Skynet telling us that it's about to kill us all and it wouldn't chance the fact that it's frakking awesome.  It's a brief look at evolutionary history using kickass looking robots, and it's the damned coolest thing I've seen all week.  Unfortunately the ad is in German, so I have no idea what they're selling, but like I said before, it doesn't matter.  I just wish American commercials were even half as cool as this thing is.


I absolutely love the robot T-Rex with the exhaust pipe billowing out black smoke into the air.  And the robot Sabertooth Tigers are just plain wicked looking.  Plus, to top it all off they end the commercial with a hot looking naked robot woman. 


I think we've found a commercial that has finally attained nerd nirvana, and it is glorious.


  1. The commercial is for Saturn, which appears to be a German electronics chain like Best Buy. The text (roughly translated with my slightly rusty German) is, "The selection was difficult, but now she's there - The strongest technology of all time, mercilessly affordable. Saturn - We Hate Expensive!" Strange how a strict translation always winds up sounding like Engrish. So not only is she hot, she's merciless. And cheap. I, for one, welcome our naturally-selected, stingy, vicious, robotic overlords. Zur Zukunft!

  2. So wait. She's hot, and cheap? Sweet!!! That's my kind of robotic overlord.
