Monday, January 26, 2009

Playmates Needs To Have Their Star Trek License Revoked


Over the last week or so, the first few images of the upcoming Star Trek movie toys have been making their way across the internets, and I can't help but feel angry and just how god awful horribly bad they look.


The toyline is being produced by Playmates Toys, the same company who put out the cheesy, but at least enjoyable line of Star Trek toys from the early to mid 90's.  Playmates has kept ahold of the Star Trek License for all these years and is now in charge of the new movie toys for the upcoming summer blockbuster. 


The problem is that in the last 15 years or so, it doesn't look like a single technological improvement has been made in how action figures are made at playmates.  These new toys look just like the old line of Star Trek toys from 1993.   Just look for yourselves.



Is this really the best Playmates could do?  The new Kirk figure looks nothing like the actor playing him.  And even those who do hold a passing resemblance to the people playing them look cheap and plasticy.  This is the kind of quality I'd expect if I found a line of Star Trek figures at a swap meet that were made by a knock-off toy company somewhere in Mexico.  Playmates is a large company and they hold the license to one of the biggest sci-fi franchises of all time.  And the best they could come up with was this?



Good god.  The Star Trek toy franchise has been destroyed before it even really had a chance to get going.  This makes me really sad.  I can only hope that someone at Paramount will at some point realize what an atrocious job Playmates is doing with the toy license and will revoke their ability to make more figures.


You know it's a sad day indeed when the new Star Trek Barbie dolls look a million times better than the action figures.  You'll have to excuse me for a bit now.  I need to go curl up into a corner and cry myself to sleep.

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