Thursday, January 22, 2009

The New Street Fighter IV Trailer Looks Good But.....



It sounds like total crap!  I don't know who Capcom got to write the dialogue for this game, or who they got to hire the voice actors used to play the characters...but they really need to be fired.


I know it's a fighting game, and so to even expect a decent story is kind of besides the point.  But if you're going to make a five minute long trailer like this one and fill it with tons of character dialogue, can't you at least try not to make it sound so cheesy that I can't help but laugh at it?


The game itself looks great.  The video shows off each and every character in the game in action fighting against other players, and it's an impressive list indeed.  There's a ton of characters in the game, including all of the classic Street Fighter characters as well as a bunch of new people too.  I really want to play the Lucha Libre wrestler!  The game's  visuals look really solid and the gameplay looks like it will be a helluva good time.  But my god the voice acting in the trailer is atrocious.


It sounds like something from the early 90's in its level of cheese.  It's almost as bad as the dialogue from the Street Fighter live action movie.  At least we can take solace though in knowing that once the game comes out we can skip past cutscenes and just focus on what a Street Fighter game should really be about...beating the holy hell out of other people with no rhyme or reason as to why you're doing it.

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