Monday, January 5, 2009

Who Really Built The Death Star?


Any Star Wars fan who has ever seen Kevin Smith's movie Clerks will remember the great conversation between Randall and Dante about how the rebel alliance inadvertantly killed thousands of innocent builders and contractors when they destroyed the second Death Star while it was still being built.  Randall's logic made sense.  The average Stormtrooper doesn't know how to build stuff.  To finish a construction job of that magnitude, the Empire would have had to bring in specially contracted companies with thousands of laborers and builders.  And all of those innocent workers would have been killed when Lando and Wedge delivered the fatal shots to the space station's power core, causing the whole thing to explode in a giant fiery ball of doom over the forest moon of Endor.


However, one person disagrees with that assessment.  His name......George Lucas.


Someone noticed that Mr. Lucas himself addressed this issue in his commentary track to Episode II:  Attack of the Clones.  His answer, the Death Star was built by the Geonosians.  And while it is true that thousands upon thousands of them were probably killed when the thing blew, it doesn't really matter because they're not humans anyways.  They're just a bunch of termites, and who really cares about a bunch of termites anyways.


What I find funniest is that George refers to the clip as Jay and Silent Bob having the conversation he references.  Obviously he's mistaken in who he thinks had the conversation, but the important thing here is that he has acknowledged the existence of the conversation at all.  This means that at some point either he watched the film himself or someone explained the scene to him.  Personally, I think he watched the film all the way through and I would be greatly interested in wondering what his reaction is to Dante's assertion that all Return of the Jedi had was "a bunch of muppets."

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