Friday, January 23, 2009

The Inauguration As Seen Through The Eyes Of A WoW Player



This last Tuesday was a truly historic day for America.  The 44th President of the United States was sworn in.  Eight years of bad politics and the machinations of evil leaders have come to an end and a new era has begun where we can hope that the future will be better than today.  Barack Obama is now our President.


As historic as this event is though, that doesn't mean that we can't have a good time with it and make some fun of the event.  Take for example the above picture of the election, as seen through the view of the World of Warcraft player interface.


I absolutely love this picture.  Aside from the basic level of nerdity that is superimposing the WoW interface over a picture of our new president, there is a bunch of great little nerdy things within the picture itself to love.  Some of it may be hard to see above because I had to shrink the photo down a bit to get it to fit on the page.  If you'd like to see the full sized image, you can click here.  But here's a few of the things I loved about the pic:


On the right side of the screen you have Barack Obama's current quests that he's working on.  In his queue at the moment is a quest called "Crush The Republicans!" which required him to collect the heads of both John McCain and Sarah Palin as well as collecting 270 electoral votes.  Barack, of course, has collected 364 votes.  Also in the quest queue is "Transfer of Power" in which he must take office to complete the quest.  As of Tuesday afternoon, that quest has been completed.


In the bottom right hand corner of the screen is the most recent spell Barack has cast...the Hymn of Hope.  On the left side of the screen, partied up with Obama is Joe Biden, and in the bottom center of the screen you can see that Obama has earned the achievement "President of the United States"


I was curious as to what Obama's character class would be in the game, and after consulting with a veteran WoW player, it was determined that based on the spells shown on the screen, Barack Obama would be a Priest and Joe Biden would be a Warrior.  These classifications seem fitting to me as Obama will now have to pretty much heal the nation and Biden will have to fight alongside him as he does this.


After a little more thought though, it was decided that Dick Cheney is definitely a Death Knight.

1 comment:

  1. Why doesn't it say "server first: black president"
    Soooo cheated out of a feat of strength there.
