Monday, January 19, 2009

For The Aspiring Klingon Novelist



I'm a fairly big Star Trek fan.  I've seen all of the shows (except Voyager, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get over it's suckiness), I've watched all of the films.  Hell, I've even read some of the novels.  But as big a fan as I am, I can't say that I've ever felt the need to own a Klingon Keyboard for my computer.


Apparently though there must be a market out there for just such a thing, because that is exactly what they're selling over at Cherry Keyboards.

This exclusive Klingon language keyboard is based on the best selling G83-6000 series keyboards from Cherry.


It is a good quality keyboard with 105 keys, PS/2 connection and is available currently in black. This keyboard will be available for delivery from mid November, but demand for this limited edition is high so reserve yours now to be the first with this exclusive model.


Cherry will only be manufacturing a small quanitity of this model, so please reserve yours early to avoid dissapointment.


Demand for this limited edition is high?  Really?  Maybe I'm just out of touch, but I would have figured that aside from the people who dress up as Klingons and go to conventions to perform reinactments of Klingon Operas or Klingon Accension Ceremonies, there wouldn't be enough people out there wanting this to technically say there's a "high demand" for them.


Maybe I'm wrong though.  It's rare, but it happens occasionally.  For the time being though, I'm perfectly content with my keyboard in boring old English.  If someone were to ever put out a keyboard printed in Twi'lek though, then I fully admit that I'd have to go out and buy that.


I suppose that this keyboard could come in handy though if you were...oh...say...trying to write a translation of Klingon Hamlet or something.  So it's not all bad.


(Via Geekologie)

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty lame. If I'm not mistaken, Klingon is a font you can install on your computer. Type whatever you want, then highlight the whole thing, change font to Klingon and you're all done. No need to translate Hamlet. Open Hamlet, change font, save. Besides, who needs Klingon when you can do the exact same thing in Aurek-Besh, the Star Wars font.
