Thursday, September 11, 2008

Will We See More Fast-Running Zombies In "28 Months Later"?



Quite possibly.  In an interview with MTV, Danny Boyle (the director of awesome zombie flick 28 Days Later and producer of it's sequel 28 Weeks Later) addressed the issue of a possible third film in the franchise.

“There’s a bit of discussion going on about it at the moment,” Boyle said of what I’m going to start calling “28 Months Later,” the third in a series which began with “28 Days Later” in 2002 and continued with “28 Weeks Later” last year.


We wouldn’t put it past Boyle to blow us away again, but for the life of us we can’t figure out to continue a franchise which seems to acceptably conclude with each installment without becoming narratively ridiculous. Turns out, Boyle’s not so sure either.


“I have an idea for it [but] I’ve got to present it and see what people think really because it might be silly really,” he laughed.


Not so sure how to continue the story?  Are they on crack?  The last film ended with a shot of zombies invading Paris.  What more plot do you need?  It seems pretty self explanatory to me. 


Just pick up the story a little over 2 years after the original outbreak of the Rage virus.  Europe has been completely lost to the zombie scourge and the infected continue to spread.  Now, Moscow is directly in the path of a surge of infected that are headed for the city like a wave of death and destruction.  Already overrun with refugees from other european cities, the city is overflowing with potential victims.  Amidst this chaos, a small group of British citizens, who have survived both of the previous epidemics, must find a way out of the city so they can flee east.  Always trying to stay one step ahead of the spreading infection, can they make it to safety?


See?  Is it really that hard?  It's a zombie plot for god's sake.  Just show a lot of people getting eaten, a lot of people running, some explosions thrown in for good measure, and a helluva lot of human tension, and you've got the makings of a good film.  Oh, and it would be pretty sweet to see how the rest of the world is reacting to the continuing news coverage of the spreading of the virus.  Would the US or other nations start nuking cities that have fallen in an attempt to stem the tide of zombie death?  I think they would.


I swear, I have to think of everything.


  1. It's too bad that 28 weeks later was boring and shitty. It would be nice if 28 months later was not. I don't feel like wasting 10 bucks again.

  2. Matt, 28 Weeks Later was awesome. I found it in no way boring or shitty. A great sequel, honestly, in the vein of Romero's Dawn of the Dead.
    I'm with Pat. I like that story idea. Write the treatment and pitch it.
