Monday, September 8, 2008

Star Wars Corrupted You And Everyone In Your Generation has a pretty funny article up about how the original Star Wars trilogy corrupted an entire generation of children by teaching them all sorts of things that go against the values our parents tried to raise us with.  Things like:

Good guys lie, bad guys tell the truth. What's Obi Wan Kenobi's most famous line in the entire series of movies? "These aren't the droids you're looking for." And what's Darth Vader's? "Luke. I am your father." Do you see where I'm going with this? The good guys lie all the time in the original trilogy; Han telling the stormtroopers that everything's okay in the cellblock, Leia going undercover as a bounty hunter to try and rescue Han later, everyone who kept Luke and Leia's true identities from them. In comparison, the bad guys tend to... well, be pretty straightforward and honest, if evil. Conclusion: Only villains tell the truth.


It's a good read, and the article brings up a point that has always bugged me too.  How is it that Anakin gets to be a happy Jedi ghost at the end of ROTJ?  Just because he offed the Emperor means he's instantly forgiven for 20 or so years of tyrannical rule and Jedi killing?  How does that work?  Is this like Christianity where so long as you ask God for forgiveness of your sins before you die you're granted a place in heaven, regardless of how evil you were in life?  If so, that's totally lame, and is yet one more reason why the dark side is cooler.

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