Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No Shatner In The New Star Trek Movie? WTF?


The new Star Trek movie directed by J.J Abrams may very well possibly end up being an awesome film.  It's going to have amazing special effects and it stars such cool people as Simon Pegg, Harold from the Harold and Kumar films and that guy who plays Sylar on Heroes.  However, it will be missing one incredibly big Star Trek element...William Shatner.


That's right, no Shatner.  The film will be sans Shatner.  Leonard Nimoy?  Sure.  Shatner?  No.  When asked about this glaring discrepancy J.J. Abrams had this to say:

It was very tricky. We actually had written a scene with him in it that was a flashback kind of thing, but the truth is, it didn't quite feel right. The bigger thing was that he was very vocal that he didn't want to do a cameo. We tried desperately to put him in the movie, but he was making it very clear that he wanted the movie to focus on him significantly, which, frankly, he deserves. The truth is, the story that we were telling required a certain adherence to the Trek canon and consistency of storytelling. It's funny -- a lot of the people who were proclaiming that he must be in this movie were the same people saying it must adhere to canon. Well, his character died on screen. Maybe a smarter group of filmmakers could have figured out how to resolve that.


Ok, so I can't be angry at that logic.  Shatner didn't want just a cameo, Abrams admits he deserves better than that, but giving Shatner a major role would lead to a rather akward or crappy film.  So a sacrifice was made and now the film is Shatnerless.


Not to worry though.  Once the film comes out on DVD I'm sure it will take some die hard Trek fan about five seconds to hack the film with Adobe Premiere and insert Shatners face over Chris Pike's for the entire length of the film.  You mark my words, it'll happen.

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