Thursday, September 11, 2008

Spaceballs: The Crappy Animated TV Show



Ok, when I first heard about an Animated TV version of the Mel Brooks film Spaceballs (which just so happens to be possibly the greatest Star Wars spoof ever) I was originally excited.  I had dreamed about getting to see more of the antics of the evil Dark Helmet and hadn't really cared about much else. 


Mind you, this was at comic con about three years ago.  Since then I hadn't heard a thing and had entirely forgotten about the show.  Until today, when I came across an article on about how the Spaceballs TV show is finally going to air this month on G4.  For a second I even got excited again, until I actually sat and watched the above video.


Good god, where do I begin?  The shitty theme song?  The crappy plot?  The bad jokes?  The truly god awful animation?  There's just so many things to pick on.  How about this to start on, they took Dark Helmet (the coolest character in the whole damn movie) and turned him into a FUCKING MIDGET!!! 


Yes, Rick Moranis is a short man, but that's no reason to turn his character into someone about 2 feet tall!!!  Every other character in the show looks like they're supposed to, why the hell did they fuck up the most important character?  And he's BALD!?!?!  WHY!?!?!  Also, couldn't they have gotten a voice actor who at least vaguely sounded like Rick Moranis?  Whoever does his voice in this is downright terrible.  Say what you will about the Clone Wars series, at least they took the time to hire voice actors who sound like the original actors.


The same goes for pretty much every other character too.  With the exception Dot Matrix and Mel Brooks, who provides the voice for President Scroob and Yogurt, not a single other character sounds anything they should.


The animation of the show is just atrocious.  It seriously looks like the whole show was done with flash animation.  It's cheesy and I can't for the life of me figure out how, after three years in production, this is all they could come up with.


Don't get me wrong here, I love Mel Brooks.  I think he's hands down one of the funniest film makers of all time.  But I have to seriously question whether he's lost his mind due to old age after watching this.  It's a travesty.


At least we'll always have this.


You'll have to excuse me now.  I'm going to go drown my sorrows in a bottle of whiskey.

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