Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joss Whedon's Dollhouse Hits a Production Snag


According to the scifi wire, production has been temporarily halted on Joss Whedon's new show Dollhouse.  The reasons, a problem with the scripts.

Whedon had been busy directing two of the first three episodes of Dollhouse, which kept him out of the writers' room.


As a result, the studio, network and Whedon agreed that the show's fourth script needed work. Whedon also requested the production reprieve to get ahead on the show's next few scripts.


Because the show doesn't bow until midseason, the shutdown won't affect Dollhouse's schedule.


This newest production delay comes after an earlier setback due to a slightly related issue.  After having finished the show's pilot, Joss and Fox both realized that the first episode left a lot unexplained and viewers would possibly be confused, so they went back and shot a new pilot for the show.  The original pilot is now the second episode of the show.


I don't know about you, but a show that has this many writing issues so early in slightly scares me.  They're not even four episodes in and they've already had two major delays due to writing issues.  I'm not saying this dooms the show to crappy-ville, I'm just saying this should be cause for concern.  I really do want this show to be awesome, but I know chances are I'm not going to love it as much as I did Firefly.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is going to be fine. I think that like the article says that Joss was busy directing the episodes that had already been written and just didn't have time to give to the writing and Joss likes to be hands on very early on. Plus the show doesn't even debut until sometime next year, so I think mountains are being made out of molehills by the media. I think that Joss is just trying to give us the very best and I think that due to the tragedy that was Firefly people are expecting it to fail. However I have faith in the Joss!
    Not many things are as good as Firefly, or Buffy and Angel for that matter.
