Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Meet The New Megatron


Latino Review has posted up a bunch of pics of the new version of Megatron from next summer's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and I'm left with only one question.  What the fuck is wrong with Michael Bay?


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him?  Why does he feel this consistent need to make everything in his films exaggeratedly ridiculous?  Ok, I get that they wanted to do something different with Megatron in this movie.  In the last film they couldn't make him a gun, so they made him a jet, I understand that.  Now they've decided to make him a tank.  I actually understand that too.


First off, it's a nice nod to Galvatron, but I'm left wondering why in the hell Megatron in tank form looks so damned stupid.  All of the other transformers, when in vechicle modes, look like normal versions of whatever the hell they're supposed to be.  Optimus Prime is a normal looking truck.  He's not some super retarded robo-truck thing with spikes and armor and shit.  He doesn't look like a vechicle out of the Road Warrior movies.  He looks like a fucking truck.


Yet Megatron over here, is he a normal looking tank?  HELL NO!  He looks like something you'd see in the future sequences of the Terminator films.  He looks like something built by Skynet. 


Why can't Michael Bay just make him a normal fucking tank?  I just don't get it.

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