Friday, October 16, 2009

Will Megan Fox Die In Transformers 3?

Megan Fox, seen here doing the only thing she's good for, looking pretty and being quiet.


I haven't really been reporting much on the whole Transformers 3 development process, nor have I been reporting on the real-life internet squabling that has been taking place between Transformers Director Michael Bay and totally talentless star Megan Fox since Transformers 2 came out this last summer.  I haven't been covering this for two reasons.


  1. I really don't care about the squabbling that Bay and Fox have been doing because I'm not a follower of celebrity gossip and could give two shits what either of them have to say about each other.

  2. Transformers 2 was such a giant piece of crap that I really would rather not think about the possibility of Transformers 3 being made.  Just the thought of it is making me stomach churn.


Anyways, something has come up that I finally feel good enough about to report, but before I do I should probably gloss over the back story so you have some context.  Ok, here we go:


Shortly after Transformers 2 was released, Megan Fox started doing these interviews where she came out with some really nasty comments about both the film and its director Michael Bay.  Basically, the comments boiled down to the film is pretty crappy, she just did it for a paycheck and Michael Bay is a really shitty director to work with.  Really, she even compared working with him to being like working with Napoleon or Hitler.  Shortly after this happened, a bunch of the crew from Transformers 2 put up a statement online saying that Fox is a thankless spoiled brat who is lucky that Michael Bay plucked her from obscurity and she'd better watch out because he can put her right back there.


Bay, for his part, tried to downplay the whole thing and released a statement where he said he doesn't condone either the crew's statement or any of Fox's statements either.  Instead he said that Megan's crazy comments are just a part of her crazy charm and that he was looking forward to working with her for Transformers 3.


That was a few weeks ago.  Then, more recently, this news came out.


Rumors are swirling online after InTouch magazine released an article saying that Michael Bay is planning to kill off Megan Fox in Transformers 3.  And there's more.  Not only will she possibly be killed off in the film, but rumors have it that she may very well die in the film's first few minutes just so she can be replaced by a new lead actress for the rest of the film.  Here's a quote from an unnamed "insider" in the Intouch article.

"Michael's pretty much discovered Megan and now he's very quietly looking for her replacement," said the insider. "He hasn't decided if he's going to kill her off in the next movie, but he just wants to be prepared."


Of course, we are quoting from a magazine that is basically a tabloid, so the truth behind any of this is questionable at best.  Whether or not Megan Fox will die in the first few minutes of Transformers 3 is entirely up in the air right now.  I just wanted to bring to your attention that the possibility was out there.  After the horribleness of Transformers 2, the only thing that could possibly make me want to go back to see more of this in the theater (other than a lobotomy or about a dozen shots of Tequila in a row) would be the opportunity to see the main human characters get killed off in completely gruesome and painful ways.


Personally, I would argue that killing off Megan Fox isn't going far enough.  Kill Shia La Beef as well.  Kill off his parents too and their annoying dog.  Kill off every human that has ever appeared in either of the films.  Then, when that's done, the fourth film in the series can be what I've always dreamed of from the beginning.  A fully CG'd Transformers film that takes place entirely on Cybertron, where no human ever has, or ever will step foot on.  That's all I really want.  I don't think that's asking to much, do you?

1 comment:

  1. Such wishful thinking. You know that a full on transformer only movie is out of the question. Its practically too much to even ask them to drop the crappy human romance, let alone drop all humans in general. Besides, transformers + humans is okay. The animated movie was okay, and if it was redone right it could be awesome.
