Monday, October 26, 2009

Of The Beginnings Of Star Trek Conventions



While I was randomly wandering the internet the other day, I ran across this amazing piece done by Newsweek about the origins of the Star Trek Convention.  It's not so much an article as it is a photo slide show with narration, but it's an amazing bit of uncovered nerd history that I really wish I got to see more of.


The news piece focuses on one of the very first ever Star Trek Conventions that was held back in 1975.  The narration is provided by costume Designer Angelique Trouvere, a self described "Trekkie from way back", who reflects back on the great times Trek fans had back at these early conventions.  This was back when the stars could still mingle with the fans and when William Shatner was rocking a leisure suit that featured multiple shades of peach.  No, seriously, a peach leisure suit.  It has to be seen to be believed.


What really impressed me the most though was how the piece took the time to point out that most of these early conventions were mainly female affairs.  They were organized by women, run by women, and the majority of the attendees of the conventions were women.  As someone who is always rallying against the stereotype that geeks are only ever men, it is so incredibly awesome to see something like this that blows that stereotype to little tiny bits. 


Star Trek conventions, those things that the majority of the world consider to only ever be attended by overweight and socially deficient males, were in fact originally created by and for women.  Very nerdy women.  Very nerdy and very beautiful women who showed up in costumes that would put modern COSplayers to shame with their awesomeness.  You go ladies!  All of us Trek nerds who have come after you owe you an incredibly massive debt.  If it wasn't for you, we may never have gotten more Trek in the form of movies and then new shows like TNG and DS9.  Your valiant efforts have helped to make the world as nerdy as it is today. 


Thank you!




I have to say this though.  If I ever get access to a time machine, I'm totally going back to 1975 to attend these conventions.  They look so incredible.  They must have been an absolute blast to attend. 


Sigh, I wish I had been born sooner so I could have gone to cool stuff like this.  Con's nowadays are all about overcrowding, minimum star/fan interaction, overpriced tickets and food, long ass lines and never getting to see the stuff you really wanted to see.  I do remember going to Star Trek Conventions in the early to mid 90's and I clearly remember them being awesome.  Young nerds today don't know what they're missing.  Old school cons were the best.

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