Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mattman's Weekly Batman Update



We got three titles this week.


Batman# 691

Written by Judd Winick and Penciled by Mark Bagley




I am sad. This will be Judd Winick's last issue. That's right, they only gave him five issues. Now Batman will be written and illustrated by Tony Daniel, who is awesome but that doesn't mean I won't miss the fucktacularly awesome writing of Winick.


The issue picks up where the last left off, Two-Face has broken into the Batcave! Two-Face is wearing some odd-ball twisted version of a Batman costume. Just look at the image above. That's the crazy ass costume. But luckily he's not actually wearing that costume it's just Batman hallucinating due to drugs Two-Face had shot him with.


So a battle erupts: Two-Face versus Batman. All the while Two-Face is blabbing about how he knows that Dick is not the same Batman. Then another Batman shows up and shoots Batman with some darts. Dick pulls the darts out of his body goes crazy and savagely beats Two-Face, growling "I'm not like you Harvey, I can change  but... I STILL AM BATMAN!" Then Two-Face finally concedes " is son of a.."


It turns out that the other Batman that shot Dick was Alfred and he shot him with adrenaline. Then we cut to Two-Face being transported by cops to Blackgate Prison. The Police Transport is attacked and Two-Face is freed. It's a bunch of thugs lead by The Black Mask. Black Mask offers Two-Face a partnership. Two-Face turns him down.


I don't get the end because it begins with Dick and Alfred emptying out the Batcave. Are they going to create their own new Batcave? Or are they going to do away with having a Batcave altogether? I hope not that is the lamest thing I have ever heard of. Of course Christain Bale operated the whole last movie without a Batcave and he was still fuckawesome. Anyway, under the Jason Todd costume in the cave Dick discovers a flash drive and it contains info on his parents murders. Why was Bruce hiding this particular file? I guess we will have to wait to find our next issue.


Batgirl# 3

Written by Bryan Q. Miller and Penciled by Lee Garbett




Okay so as we discovered last issue the mastermind behind the drug thrill being given to kids at Batgirl's college is Scarecrow. So the issue begins with a battle between Batgirl and Scarecrow. of course he sprayed her with fear gas so she is totally seeing shit. She sees Robin (Tim Drake) telling her she wasn't good enough, she sees Spoiler her own former identity telling her she deserves to fail and finally she sees everyone her insecure little mind feels she has let down. She triumphs though and declares "I am Batgirl!" as she delivers the final blow to Scarecrow.


Apparently this was convincing enough to Orcale that Stephanie Brown deserves to be Batgirl. Together they take an oath in the Batcave in the exact same place that Dick and Bruce took an oath together when Dick was like 8 or something. Only this time Barbara is swearing to Stephanie that she will always have her at her side as Orcale in battle. She awards Stephanie a new Batgirl costume.


The issue ends with Batgirl in new uniform taking out some thugs.


Red Robin# 5

Written by Chris Yost and Penciled by Ramon Bachs




Honestly, this issue was kinda lame. Not much happens.


Last issue Tim and his companion Pru were severely injured by a dude named The Widower and other thugs. Tim wakes up in a stronghold of the League of Assassins. They have repaired his wounds. A man calling himself The White Ghost introduces himself and tells Tim that he was attacked by representatives of The Council of Spiders.


White Ghost brings Tam Fox into the room. Tam is Lucius Fox's daughter. She apparently came to Iraq looking for Tim. Tam got kidnapped by the League and brought to their stronghold. The White Ghost details to everyone that will listen that there is a war going on between the League of Assassins and The Council of Spiders. The Council has been killing a lot of the dudes from the League. They ask for Tim's help. He agrees.


At the end of the issue Tim reveals to Tam he plans to take both the League and the Council down.


Tune in next week. Same Bat-time, same Bat-Channel.

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