Sunday, October 18, 2009

Primeval get's a season 4 & 5



If you don't know about Primeval. It first got released for the BBC Feburary 2007.  It's a PG show with graphic violence, there are deaths, some pretty bloody, but most of it is done by a digital beast. But, what else can you do with a monster from a different time period.


So the concept of the show is "anomalies' start to appear, it's a glimmering portal that seem to open time lines on Earth. Some open to a period with Dodo birds, a Columbian Mammoth, a Pteranodon and, as pictured above, a Gorgonopsid (wider mouthed creature). Around the middle of the first season the theory begins to expand that the anomalies can open to time lines in the future. Also pictured above is the future predator. The cast features people with different backgrounds that manage to pool each other's strength's to solve a common problem.


The third season ended in a cliff hanger of epic proportions.


If you haven't seen the show but intend to...

In the third season they killed off the main character Nick Cutter and the main antagonist Helen Cutter (the wife) and no one has really stepped up to the reigns as the "leader" of the group.  The 2 longest members of the team get trapped in the Cretaceous period after being chased by a pack of Deiononychus and the only other member who had the opportunity to become a leader get's trapped in, what is basically, the cradle of man, when the first colony of homonids come around. Then the sun begins to set as the season finale ends.

And like a tv station that comes up with reality shows that have been copied over here in the US, it got cancelled. Even though it was popular with books, toys and a fan base. They posted a huge loss financially and dropped their shows that needed production values and a cast to keep their other shows alive. Sounds all too familiar doesn't it?


But here's the shiny line now, like most tv shows are doing, they are listening to their fans. After it was deemed for cancellation in June 2009, there was outcries from fan sites demanding more seasons, or at least even closure. Now September comes along and Primeval gets a second chance at life and is renewed for 2 more seasons.


With recent shows being given life after death like Futurama, that maybe some production companies may actually start listening to the people they are catering to.


Oh and the show, it's got some mother fucking dinosaurs!

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