Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Total Recall To Get A Total Remake



Go ahead and add the great film Total Recall starring Arnold Schwarzenegger to the long list of popular sci-fi or action films from the 80's and 90's that is currently getting either rebooted or remade entirely.  Columbia Pictures has hired a writer by the name of Kurt Wimmer (who wrote the admittedly cool film Equilibrium) to pen a remake of the awesome Arnold film about possibly fake memories and ancient civilizations on Mars.

The movie will be a contemporized adaptation of the science fiction saga based on the Philip K. Dick story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale."


Total Recall was resurrected for remake earlier this year by the studio and producer Neal Moritz and his Original Films banner. Columbia secured remake rights from Miramax, which has the option to co-finance the film when it is ready to shoot.


I'm just going to say this right now.  If this new version of Total Recall doesn't have a topless three breasted woman, a scene with the hero pulling a huge glowing red ball from out of his nose or a deformed baby thing sticking out of some dude's belly, then it won't be worth a damn.  As we all know, those are the things that made the original Total Recall kick so much ass.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I'd like more Phillip K. Dick made into movies in future, but for now this is good. Don't know about tri-breasted women, but thought the Kick ass Midget Chick was a nice touch. Itty Bitty Girl power! But for special effects..remember the scene where Arnold and sidekick are dying in Mars atmosphere, eyes bugging out, features completely hashed...and then they are fine next scene?! I hope they do better this time around.
