Monday, June 1, 2009

They're Rebooting Alien. Is Nothing Sacred?



I had heard rumors about this a lot last week.  Now, sadly, comes confirmation that this is indeed happening.  Some idiots in Hollywood have decided to do a Batman Begins style franchise reboot of Ridley Scott's classic sci-fi horror film Alien.  The working title of the project is Alien Origins, and a director by the name of Carl Rinsch has been chosen to helm the picture.


Ok, I really don't want to be the constant naysayer here, but does absolutely every franchise ever made suddenly need a 21st century reboot?  Really, it's getting a little out of hand at this point.  Batman, Star Trek, Friday the 13th, the upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street film, Terminator, Battlestar Galactica and so many more have already been done recently.  Sure, most of those I listed have been awesome but I'm beginning to get to the point where I dread hearing the words Origins or Reboot.  Is hollywood so completely out of ideas that they have to just go back and remake everything that was big in the 70's an 80's?  Are there no new properties or franchises that can be started now?


What will an Alien reboot really accomplish?  How could they possibly top or even add to a film that was as amazingly groundbreaking as the original Alien was?  Even when compared to today's special effects, Alien still stands up to and is still in many cases far superior to modern films.  When it comes out, will I see it?  Sure.  Will I probably like it?  Probably. 


But do you know what I would have liked more?  Seeing something brand new.  Something I've never seen before.  Seeing the birth of a new franchise with a new movie monster to love.  That's what I'd prefer.

1 comment:

  1. You do know that there's already talk about a Star Wars reboot right? Reboots are hot right now, and to answer your question; no, nothing is sacred. I heard this morning on NPR that in production right now are the A-Team and Magnum P.I. feature films.
