Monday, June 15, 2009

Girls' Guide to Comic-Con?

Are you kidding me right now? I think I just vomited a little bit in my mouth!

The Los Angeles Times decided to do all of us females a favor and put together a nice little slide show to let us know exactly what us girls, who are of course only going to San Diego Comic-Con International for the uber hot guys, would like to see.

You can find it here Girls' Guide to Comic Con if you are so inclined.

Now I full on understand that good amount of females nowadays who go to Comic-Con will only be going to see things like the hot guys from this show or the hot guys from that movie (or hot girls if you are into that). Or god forbid anything Twilight oriented. And don't get me wrong...I like the hot guys as much as the next person, but how about putting together something a little more...I don't know....comic booky or even remotely oriented to a geek-girl audience!

This is the type of piece that makes big assumptions as to why girls attend Comic-Con in the first place. This will be my 16th year attending the convention and believe me even 16 years ago SDCC was a vastly different place than it is now. It wasn't quite the media blitz it has become. And while I do attend a few panels that include stars and creators from some of my favorite shows, and I also look foward to seeing people like my favorite fantasy writers and artists, the real reason I started attending was for the comic books and the comic book artists.

So, my point is that if you are going to put together a "Girls' Guide to Comic-Con", why don't you make it about things that maybe said "girls" won't be so quick to discover on their own instead of the "23 things that will already be thrown in their faces". Make it about the comic books, make it about the indie artists, or the newest and hottest anime that they will be able to discover. Because obviously Comic-Con doesn't have a problem selling out anymore and I don't know about everyone else, but I tend to see just as many girls as guys on the floor and in the panels every year.

But, then again, I guess I shouldn't expect too much since this is the LA Times we are talking about. The same paper that I am sure gets most of their advertising revenue from the shows and movies that they are currently promoting in their little slide show.


  1. HAHAHAHA. The funny part now is, they got all the chicks excited about Comic Con and they want to go now...and they can't. HAHAHAHAHAHA it's been sold out for weeks and weeks.. HAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. HAHAHAHAH....that is so true. Pure evil. Although I was telling Patrick that the thing I fear most is all the Twilight fans that did get tickets! Scary, scary, scary.
