Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Geek DVD Day - 06/16/09

Transformers: The Complete First Season (25th Anniversary Edition)


The GoodTransformers - The Complete First Season


Why It's Good:  Just in time for Michael Bay's new (and probably horrible) live-action film to hit movie theaters across America and suck beyond belief, the original and awesome animated Transformers series is being released on DVD.  As much as I'd like to be excited by this, I can't help but feel that only buying the one season makes no sense when there's this uber amazing complete series 25th Anniversary Box Set coming up around the corner.


Do me a favor Transformers fans.  Save your money for the big set.  You'll thank me.  Trust me.


 Spaceballs [Blu-ray]


The BadassSpaceballs on Blu-ray


Why It's Badass:  It's the greatest Star Wars parody of all time.  It's Rick Moranis at his best.  It's Mel Brooks being amazing.  It stars the late, great John Candy.  It has Mega Maid.  It even has a Winnebago with wings. 


Spaceballs is one of the most quotable films I've ever seen.  Not a week goes by where someone I know doesn't make at least one reference to this movie.  Whether it's people calling for Ludacris speed, or saying "We ain't found shit!" or one of a million other great lines from this film, it's never long before some aspect of this film shows up in my daily life.  And this can't be just me.  Spaceballs is one of those required films all geeks must know and love.  If you're a fan of Star Wars, this is just sort of required watching.  And now it's available in high definition glory. 


Let it be known though, your schwartz will never be as big as mine. 


Friday the 13th (Extended Killer Cut)


The AwesomeFriday The 13th (Extended Killer Cut)


Why It's Awesome:  The Friday the 13th remake is a pitch perfect example of how a remake should be done.  It was done with obviously loving care from a filmmaker who adored the original source material, but at the same time it effectively brought the franchise into the 21st century.  It managed to walk that thin line between being true to the originals while at the same time adding enough new stuff to make it both engaging and entertaining to the young audiences of today.  It served as a jumping on point for a new audience of fans yet still gave enough nods to the original to make old-school fans happy.


Plus, it's a film about Jason Vorhees killing a bunch of horny teenagers.  When is that ever NOT an amazing time?  All of the required elements were there.  Big dude in a hockey mask?  Check.  Horny teenagers out for a weekend of drinking and doing drugs?  Check.  Machete?  Check.  Creepy cabin altar to the big guy's dead mother?  Check.  Lots of gratuitis nude scenes?  Check.  Annoying frat boy douchebags being killed in creative and original ways?  Check.


Seriously, what more could you ask for in a horror film.


Plus, this new extended cut of the film comes with nine minutes of new scenes added to the film.  And if the product description from Amazon is to be believed, almost all of those nine new minutes contain either more sex or more blood and gore than the original cut of the film had.  How could more sex or blood possibly be a bad thing in a horror film?

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