Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You Will Respect Art! This I Command!!!

I'm sorry, but there's only one trule ruler of Cobra, and he's called Cobra Fucking Commander!


Robert Burden is an great painter.  He's also an incredibly big geek.  He's been working on a series of paintings recently for a while now in which he is immortalizing his favorite childhood toys into large scale, almost mural sized oil paintings.  The detail of his work is astounding, and as opposed to most other nerd art I've seen in which the subjects are painted as people, Robert has gone out of his way to make paintings of the toys as they really are right down to the joints.  His Riddler painting even shows the figure after it has broken apart into many pieces.


Unfortunately, there's no direct link to his gallery, but if you go here, click on "open toy box" and then click on "paintings" in the bottom left corner of the screen, you'll be able to see the works he has completed so far.  His subjects include many of the exact same toys I had growing up, including figures from such popular properties as He-Man, TMNT, Thundercats, Voltron, Silverhawks and more.  Here's his take on He-Man's faithful friend, Battlecat.


I've never seen a more beautiful beast of burden in all my life.


If you'd like to see how Mr. Burden makes such wonderful pieces of art, check out this great time-lapse video of his work on Battlecat.  Maybe it's just me, but I found it to be incredibly interesting to watch.  The next piece in his toy series will involve Star Wars figures and Tauntauns.  That's all I know right now, but I can't wait to see it.

1 comment:

  1. I want to have a rug like that BattleCat painting, then I want to make sweet sweet nerd love on that rug in front of a fire while the theme from Star Wars plays in the background.
