Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Motion Comic Goodness


Well, you can't really have anything happen in the comic book world ever without the X-Men showing up at some point and taking it over for themselves.  So it seems to be with the newest big thing in the comics world too . . . Motion Comics.


As my fellow Geek-tastic contributer Johann has pointed out here before, the success of the Watchmen Motion Comic DVD has made both Marvel and DC sit up and take notice.  Fans like motion comics, and they want more.  The two big comic companies, with dollars shining in their eyes, are only too happy to provide them.  DC followed up their Watchmen Motion Comic with Superman: Red Son and  Batman: Black and White.  It makes sense that their two biggest characters would get the motion comic treatment first.  Marvel suprised us though with making Spider-Woman their first big Motion Comic release.


I think we were all thinking the same thing.  Spider-Woman?  Why?  Why not start with Spider-man or the Avengers or Iron Man or any of the bigger characters.  Hell, even Blade would have been a bigger character to start with.  Well, worry no more true believers because Marvel has finally announced their second big Motion Comic series, and this time it's got some major marquee name power behind it.  That's right, the X-men.  And not just any X-men story mind you.  Oh no, they're pulling out all the fanboy stops here and are adapting Joss Whedon's run on Astonishing X-Men to Motiony Comicy goodness.


So, take some of Marvel's most popular characters, mix them up with one of fandom's most beloved writers, then take the critically and fan acclaimed comic series that came from said pairing and make it into a pseudo-movie that you call Motion Comics.  I'm sure the results will be spectacular.


On a personal note, I'm not sure how I feel about this whole Motion Comic thing just yet.  I have mixed feelings about it, to be honest.  On the one hand I am stoked because this is as close to 100% faithful film or TV adaptations as we're ever going to get.  You really can't get more faithful than panel for panel stories and line for line script readings.  On the other hand though, why does everything have to be made to be like movies or TV shows now?  What's wrong with comics just being comics?  Can't some things just stay in print form and be awesome there?


I'll have to ponder this some more.

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