Saturday, September 5, 2009

Will all be well in the Magical Kingdom?


Now that some of the hype has finally died down on why it is bad that Disney bought Marvel, here is something I've seen that I wanted to share the news about.


This is concept art, not some spoof . That's the Mickey water tower on the head of Monstro. And a lot more fucked up looking buildings in his tow. Now why does it look like that? Because it is concept art for a game called Epic Mickey. It supposed to take place in a dystopian future with a heavy steam punk element.



Now what mad madness could think up this idea? His name is Warren Spector. Those that don't know, he is a video game designer of the Thief series, Ultima Underworld I & II and Deus Ex & Deus Ex: Invisible War. All good games in my opinion, especially Deus Ex.


Now he is on point with a full on Disney themed game that looks to be as dark as Maleficent's coat. What I'm trying to say is, maybe Disney has already started to realize "Some of our die hard fans aren't ages 4-10 anymore, they are the ones bringing the kids of that age". I really can't see a song and dance number breaking out on Monstro's back when he's carrying the shambled remains of the Epcot Center. Well I hope not of course.


Since Disney bought Warren Spector's company back in 2007, Junction Point Studios, this put a great mind in the fold of a company that does squeeze blood from stones. According to wiki there was already a job listing for his company back in 2005 that called for artists for a game that has "classic Hollywood cartoons" featuring "cartoon mice, cats and wabbits". The game was slated to run on the Valve engine, which is games like Half-Life and the Orange Box set. Which can run in either first person or third person. And the design is supposed to be released as an exclusive on the Wii. Now you have a general idea of what could hopefully be done in the future of Disney.


Now why bring it up in the midst of this Disney/Marvel merger? Here's the circle of life...


Warren Spector had also worked on the Marvel Super Heroes pen & paper RPG back in 1984, to which I was a proud owner of.


The idea that a mind like this also possibly backing Marvel video games, really does bring me hope to the future of this merger.


Just a few more art pieces to tickle your fancy:horrormickey_606



I found another concept art, which raises my suspision. Look at it, tell me what you see
yes it is the space rocket from the Land of Tomorrow, but on the rocket itself is Oswald the Rabbit, not Mickey. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was a Mintz created character for Disney who hasn't seen the light of day since the near 1930's when the animated features were distributed by Universal Pictures.
After that time, Mickey replaced Oswald...
These are some drastic changes. I really hope to have more news to report on in the future. Im definitely keeping my eye on this

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