Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The New Halo: ODST Commercial Makes Me Want To Cry



Make no mistake though, these tears I shed as I watch this new live-action commercial for the upcoming Halo: Odst game are not because the commercial is bad, or because the game looks bad.  Far from it.  The commercial is so mind blowingly awesome it made me have to go change my pants after seeing it.  No, the reason it makes me want to cry is because it is a cruel reminder of the fact that I doubt we'll ever get to see a real live-action Halo film, and even if we ever do I would bet good money that it will be nowhere near as cool as this commercial is.


If Neill Blomkamp can no longer direct a live-action Halo film, can we get whoever made this commercial to do it?  Please?  Don't keep teasing me Microsoft and Bungie.  I can only hold out hope for so long.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, very badass. I love how their helmets do the visor whoosh-thing.
