Friday, September 11, 2009

Wet is Red Hot

There are few things I take more pleasure in then watching a hot woman kick major ass. Especially if I can pretend to be that woman, even if it is only for a video game. This is why I got all giddy when I saw a preview of the game, Wet, a couple months back.

Wet, short for Wetworks, is a third person shooter about a gal named Rubi who is on a mission. The game, released by Bethesda Softworks, stars Rubi as a gun-for-hire that agrees to track down and bring back a wealthy man's son. Of course any of us who live in the real world know that nothing is ever as cut and dry as all that, so Rubi is going to have to fight her some bad guys in order to complete the mission and get paid.

All I can say from playing the demo is Rubi is nothing sort of bad ass. Voiced by the ever lovely Eliza Dusku, Rubi not only demonstrates her superior shooting skills, but she also wields a brutally nasty sword. Set in a very Quentin Tarantino-esque vision, the game looks to be like a cross between Kill Bill and Grindhouse with some film noir thrown.

Besides shooting and slashing, Rubi can jump, slide, run up and across walls, use bars to do some superb acrobatics, shoot two bad guys at once and then some. You also don't want to piss her off because it looks like she has a berserker mode in which everything goes red and everything in site is going to die. Oh, and I can't forget that Rubi regains her health by taking a big swig of whiskey after which she throws the bottle in the air and shoots it. This girl is hardcore. Eat your heart out Clint Eastwood!

There is something to be said about the music as well. Fast paced rock and a bit of country ala Johnny Cash sets the soundtrack from some intense game play. Everything from a shoot out in a banquet hall to a crazy scene down the 101 Freeway and that is just in the downloadable demo.

Wet comes out for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on September 15th. I can't promise it will be good as I have yet to see any reviews, but if the demo is anything to go off of I believe it should be a resounding success and I will certainly be getting Wet. :P



  1. She will be bad ass, no doubt. But during E3 I think as heroines go Bayonetta stole the show. Lucky for Sierra that Sega delayed the release of this game and they can release Wet uncontented for a few months.

  2. and on a different note, god damn it's great to see the Sierra logo again!

  3. I checked out Bayonetta. It looks awesome. The only problem is that it doesn't come out until January, so it looks like Wet might have to tide us over.

  4. Badass girls + guns + swords + Eliza Dushku + Whiskey = someone reaching into my head and pulling out my fantasies in their purest form. So, yeah, this game is full of pure Win!!!
