Monday, September 14, 2009

Pirates Of The Caribbean 4 Is Given A Name

 Yeah, the sequels suck, but Jack Sparrow is still one of the greatest film characters ever created.


Another great bit of news to come out of the D23 Expo last weekend was the official name of the new Pirates of the Caribbean film.  The fourth installment of the franchise will be called Pirates of the Caribbean:  On Stranger Tides.  It is set to be released in the summer of 2011.


I'm a huge Pirates of the Caribbean fan, and while I recognize that neither of the two sequels that have come out so far have been all that great, I still can't help but love the character of Captain Jack Sparrow and can't wait to see more of him on the big screen.  Hopefully, with the boring story of the side characters Wil and Elizabeth finished and out of the way, this new pirates film will be able to focus on that which it should have always been focusing on in the first place . . . . Pirates.


At the end of the last Pirates film, we saw Captain Jack racing  after Captain Barbossa to try to be the first person to find the fountain of youth.  A film that solely focuses on Jack vs. Barbossa would be something that I would absolutely love.  And those lucky fans at the D23 were treated to something very awesome indeed.  Mr.  Johnny Depp himself showed up in full Jack Sparrow regalia to announce the upcoming film.


  1. Uhhhh... these movies are SOOOO bad! The first one was okay but the last one is on my all time worst movies list. I want to see some R-rated pirate movies not this kiddy crap. And not r-rated because of sex, r-rated because of good old-fashioned realistic violence! Blood, limbs blown off, and best of all the horrendous aftermath of being mortally wounded in an age and place with less than stellar medical care...

  2. Yes zennyrpg! I agree with every last word! Honestly, it's like you read my mind on the subject!
