Friday, May 22, 2009

Here's Your Incredibly White Last Airbender

How hard is it to make the big arrow on his forehead blue?  Seriously!


This is the first released pic from M. Knight Shyamalan's live-action adaptation of the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender.  Please note that the film's main character Aang, whom is depicted in the photo, is supposed to be Asian and that the Texas born actor Noah Ringer who is playing him is decidedly not.


God damn this saddens me.  Especially since the actor's race aside, I really do like everything else in the photo.  The set looks beautiful, his costume is decent and he even has his bo staff.  Sure, the Arrow on his head could be a little more blue, but overall this photo makes me believe that the film's production values will be pretty decent.  Now if only the choice of actor didn't totally distract me from believing he was Aang.  Seriously, other than the shaved head he looks nothing like Aang. 


At least Prince Zuko looks a little better.




That's actor Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire portraying the evil Prince Zuko, who will spend this entire film hunting Aang down.  While Patel isn't Asian either, at least he sort of looks like the character he's supposed to be.  Unfortunately, in this pic we can't see the massive scar on the left side of his face that Zuko is supposed to have.  I'm really curious as to just how scarred they're going to make the character for the film.  In the animated show, his scar covers a good portion of his face.  Somehow, I'm willing to bet for the film they're going to tone the scar down a lot.  I don't know why, it's just a feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Don't argue just to argue dude, that looks like Aang, Aang looks WHITE, in the cartoon, every version I've ever seen. Even when he has hair he looked white. The entire series takes place in a different dimension, or at the very least NOT in ours, how do you know "Air Nomad" isn't Nickelodeon speak for "honkey"? These pictures have finally given me HOPE for this movie, after listening to all the needless race bashing.
