Monday, March 30, 2009

The New Star Trek Poster Is (Sadly) Kind Of Lame



Of all of the summer blockbusters we will be seeing this year, the one I am by far the most excited about is Star Trek.  Sure, the Wolverine film looks really cool, and Terminator: Salvation looks a lot better than expected, and there's the new Harry Potter film to look forward to as well.  But as far as I'm concerned, they all pale in comparison to the awesomeness that is the Star Trek franchise. 


Which is why I'm kind of sad to show you this, the new theatrical poster for Star Trek.  It's just a blurry image of the Enterprise, which appears to either be going through Warp or is falling backwards into the heart of a sun.  I can't really tell which.


Of all of the possible poster designs, this is the one they went with?  Who the hell is in charge of the marketing department over at Paramount?  I'm seriously thinking they may need to be replaced.  Why didn't they include a clear shot of the ship in the poster?  Why are there no cast members shown?  Why are there no space fights or explosions shown?  Do I need to remind the people at Paramount what a good Star Trek movie poster should look like?  Ok, fine.  Take a look at this:




Now this is what I call a damn fine poster.  You have the Klingon moon Praxis exploding in the bottom right corner.  That's right, you see a full on moon explosion in this poster.  In the light from the explosion you see the image of the film's lead characters Kirk, Spock and McCoy.  There's also a wicked looking space battle going on where the Enterprise is getting its ass kicked by two Klingon ships.  And in the background, looking out over everything in a dark and menacing way is the film's main villain, the eye patch wearing, bald Klingon warrior General Chang.


That's how a good Star Trek poster should be done.  The new poster just looks too much like a project from an art student who is still learning to play with shadows.  It's bleak, it's boring.  It doesn't deliver any of the excitement a proper theatrical poster should for a summer blockbuster film.  I find it overall disappointing. 


Oh well, at least we have this new, extended TV spot for the film to keep us entertained in the meantime.


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