Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Geek DVD Day - 03/10/09

Let The Right One In


The GoodLet The Right One In


Why It's Good:  I'll admit that I hadn't heard about this film until today, but the quotes on the DVD cover caught my eye.  It's not often you see the words "Best Vampire Movie. Ever." written on film you've never heard of, especially if you like a good vampire flick like I do.  So I did a little searching online and found out that Let The Right One In is a critically acclaimed film from Sweden.  It's about a young boy who falls in love with a new girl who moves into his building, but he soon discovers she's a vampire.  Also, the trailer for the film looks really cool.  This has just been added to my Netflix queue.


 South Park: The Complete Twelfth Season


The BadassSouth Park - The Complete 12th Season


Why It's Badass:  South Park is one of the rarest gems ever in television.  After 12 seasons, the show is not only still relevant...it actually keeps getting better with each and every season.  Trey Parker and Matt Stone have mastered their craft, and the shows they produce prove it.


The 12th season of South Park brought us the most amazing spoof of the animated film Heavy Metal that I had ever seen.  It also exposed the presidential election for the scam it truly was...an elaborate attempt to steal the Hope diamond.  I hope South Park runs for more seasons than The Simpsons does.


Howard the Duck


The AwesomeHoward The Duck


Why It's Awesome:  This film unfairly gets a lot of grief in my opinion.  Yes, it was a horrible box office failure.  Yes, it's totally cheesy and overly 80's.  Yes, it stars a midget duck who's trying to seduce a young human female.  But it's also hilarious and is highly entertaining. 


Howard the Duck may have been Lucasfilm's most hated accomplishment until Episode One came along, but I think it's a film that doesn't get the credit it deserves.  This is a comic adventure that people try to take too seriously.  It's meant to be fun.  It's a duck/person running around and saving the earth from the Dark Overlords while at the same time managing an 80's rock band.  How can that story not be awesome? 


Then add to this an amazing cast including Lea Thompson, Tim Robbins and Jeffery Jones and you've got yourself the makings of a cult classic.  Finally available on DVD, Howard the Duck should be on everyone's "must buy" list, if only for the outrageous 80's insanity that is this scene right here.


Be sure to jump to the 1:56 mark in that video to see the ultimate cheesiness ever.  Wow!

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