Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Good, The Bad, And The Duros


Meet Cad Bane.  He's a new bounty hunter character that will be making his first appearance in the Star Wars universe in this Friday's episode of the Clone Wars.  This is the same trailer that was shown to fans at the Star Wars panel at Wonder Con a few weeks ago.  It's a teaser for the season finale of Clone Wars, in which Count Dooku hires Bane to free a Separatist prisoner being held on Coruscant.


Obviously, the character is modeled heavily after a western gunslinger from such films as Clint Eastwood's  Man With No Name trilogy, and personally I'm totally ok with that.  Do you know which other Star Wars Character was modeled heavily on western gunslingers?  I'm sure you've heard of him before.  His name is Han Solo. 


So having a bit of a spaghetti western character in the Star Wars Universe makes sense as far as I'm concerned.  Plus he's a bounty hunter, so it fits his character.  Add on top of that the fact that he's a Duros, one of the alien races from Star Wars that I love but which we never get to see enough of, and I'm a happy camper. 


My only concern are the sort of lame looking metal tubes going into his face.  What the hell are those for?

1 comment:

  1. On the Star Wars web site it comments that those tubes are breathing tubes. They allow him to work in the harshest environments. It would be cool if he was voiced by Clint Eastwood. LOL
    I set my Tivo to tape Clone Wars. Can't wait to see it tonight. :)
