Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Worst Fears Realized



Oh dear God No!


I really wish I could say to you right now that this is a joke.  If this were only a funny photoshop job someone had put together to scare us all.  That would make it alright.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  As horribly mind bogglingly awful it is to tell you this, I must be honest.


This is what Cobra Commander looks like in the new live-action GI Joe movie.


It even pains me just looking at it.  Good god how could the filmmakers do this?  It's so completely wrong on so many levels.  Is it any wonder now why we haven't seen Cobra Commander in any of the ads or trailers or posters for the movie?  I'm pretty sure someone, somewhere at the movie studio that has produced this crime against nature has realized what they've done and have been trying to hide this atrocity from the fans.


It's a sad, sad day indeed when cosplayers that go to comic conventions make better costumes than a big budget hollywood costume shop can come up with.  In case I need to remind you, this is what a live action Cobra Commander should look like.


P1010902 by geek.tastic.


Really, how hard is that to do.  This guy made his costume at home, with time and effort and love.  It looks like the GI Joe movie made theirs out of stupidity, hatred and a desire to spit on the fans of the franchise.


Every single person who worked on this film...everyone from the director and the studio executives all the way down to the craft services people and the coffee getters...should be ashamed of themselves for the horror they have wrought upon this world. 


Shamed!  Shamed I say!!! 


You'll have to excuse me for a bit.  I just died a little inside.  I'm going to go drown my sorrows in a bottle or two of Jameson.  Maybe that will help to drown out the sound of my soul screaming.


(Via ToplessRobot)

1 comment:

  1. that's pretty lame.
    I always liked the hooded commander myself.
