Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why Does Gambit Look Like A Backstreet Boy?


Empire Magazine has the first posted publicity pic of Gambit from the upcoming Wolverine movie...and I'm a little weirded out by the fact that Gambit looks like he's a member of a boy band.


The long flowing, well maintained hair.  The super close trimmed stubble/beard.  The purple satin shirt.  It all seems to be screaming at me "Backstreet Boys are back again!"


For some reason I feel the need to be angry or annoyed that they took a character who was my favorite X-Man during the Jim Lee days of the 90's and have turned him into a stereotype of smarmy lounge lizards everywhere.  But what's really making me angry though isn't that at all, it's the fact that upon reflection I can't help but admit that their depiction of Gambit is sadly accurate.  Afterall, this is the character we're talking about here:



Damn you clever casting agents for being so good at your job and for reminding me just how silly some characters in comics would be if they existed in the real world.  Seriously, a guy in a skintight pink lycra top is just not going to come across as "cool" in real life, let's be honest here folks.

1 comment:

  1. Even I,Weds Wes Rant man HIMSELF, will admit that there definitely situations where changing the character for the movie is alright. It was just funny because the dialogue in my head went the EXACT same way as the post.
    THAT's Gambit?!
    HAHAHA Gambit looks so gay.
    HAHAHAHAHAHA Gambit looks accurate to the comic book actually.
